Journaling can be a powerful tool for building new habits and shaping new ways of thinking. When we commit to journaling about our desired habits or positive affirmations, we reinforce them in our minds and make them more concrete. By putting our thoughts and intentions onto paper, we gain clarity and intentionally focus on what we want to create.
Journaling prompts for a money mindset work the same way. The more you practice journaling to improve your mindset concerning money, the more automatic these new (and improved) ways of thinking will become. Soon enough, you will have a new “automatic” mindset about money!
Additionally, journaling will help you stay accountable and motivated. As you keep journaling and reflecting on your current mindset, with time, you will be able to see how far you’ve come. I wanted to share my favorite journal prompts for a money mindset with you in this article!
Journaling prompts to help you reflect on your current money mindset
You cannot change the things that you are not aware of. Therefore, your current thoughts or beliefs about money, wealth, and success may be blind spots. To “up-level” your money mindset, we first need to understand where you’re currently at.
Below are 5 journaling prompts to help you reflect on your current money mindset.
- What comes to mind when you hear the word “money”?
- Reflect on your earliest memories or experiences related to money. How do you think these early encounters influenced your current beliefs and attitudes towards money and financial success? Consider your upbringing and the influence of your family or cultural background.
- What are your current financial goals? Write down three specific objectives you want to achieve in the next 1-3 years.
- Explore the views and beliefs individuals that surround you have about money. Think about your family, friends, colleagues and romantic partner. What messages or narratives do you share with these individuals about money?
- When it comes to money and financial success, I believe…. (fill in the blank)
The Science of Getting Rich
Wallace D. Wattles was an American author who lived from 1860 to 1911. He is best known for his book, “The Science of Getting Rich,” published in 1910. Wallace D. Wattles talked about the importance of visualization and working on your mindset to create financial freedom.
“The Science of Getting Rich” became a seminal work in the self-help and personal development genre, particularly in the context of achieving financial success and wealth. The author emphasizes the importance of mindset and visualization in creating wealth and financial freedom.
I highly recommend this book to everyone. I have read it about 15 times in the last 10 years, and it continues to amaze me. He also has really clear and practical exercises (that involve writing, of course) to help you strengthen your money mindset and improve your finances.
“Set your ideal as near to perfection as your imagination is capable of forming the conception.”
Wallace D. Wattles

Journaling prompts to help you visualize your ideal financial life
Now that you’ve got a baseline for where you currently are regarding your thoughts and beliefs about money, it’s time to do some joyful dreaming! Listen; dreaming and using your imagination to think of what you would want to have and experience is not just for kids.
As just discussed, renowned authors, entrepreneurs and moguls use visualization and imagination to create their financial life.
By the way, just so we’re clear, I’m not talking about sitting on your couch, visualizing & not taking any action. Action is crucial; you need to get things done. However, your mindset and the mental picture you hold in your mind will affect your action and how you approach your financial life.
Find 5 journaling prompts below that will help you clarify what you want your finances and material life to look like.
- If I got rid of all negative thoughts and beliefs in relation to money, I would feel… (fill in the blank)
- Imagine living a life of financial abundance and security. What does this mean to you personally? How would it impact your overall well-being, relationships, and sense of freedom?
- Consider your long-term financial goals and aspirations. Write all of these goals and aspirations down. Make the list as long as you like, don’t restrict yourself!
- Why is it important that you have abundance and financial freedom? Think about how it will impact you & those around you (and even the world!).
- When you’re financially free, how will you spend and use your money? Think about how much you would like to spend (and where), invest, save, and donate.
Money = Gratitude, Gratitude = Money
“Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money” is a book by Ken Honda, author and personal finance expert from Japan. In the book, Honda explores the concept of money from a unique perspective, focusing on the emotional and spiritual aspects of our relationship with money rather than just the financial aspects.
Honda introduces the idea of “happy money,” which refers to money that brings joy, fulfilment, and positive energy into our lives. He emphasizes the importance of shifting our mindset and cultivating a positive attitude towards money to create a harmonious and prosperous financial life.
More specifically, he explores concepts such as gratitude and generosity as fundamental principles for achieving financial well-being and happiness. In his book, he shares the practice of ‘Say arigato all the time’, “arigato” translation to “thank you” in Japanese.
He explains that money is energy. Therefore, how can you hate money, speak badly about it, and then… want it to come to you? Gratitude is an essential part of a powerful and positive money mindset.
Below, you will find 5 journaling prompts to help you cultivate gratitude for money.
- Reflect on all the ways in which money has positively impacted your life. How have financial resources enhanced your well-being, provided opportunities, or supported your goals and dreams? Express gratitude for these specific instances.
- Imagine a day without access to any financial resources. Consider the limitations and challenges you would face. Now, write down five things you typically take for granted that money allows you to have or experience.
- Think of a recent purchase that brought you joy or satisfaction. Describe why it made you happy and express gratitude for this purchase that money made possible.
- Write down three financial goals you have achieved in the past. Reflect on the hard work, determination, or fortunate circumstances that contributed to your success. Express gratitude for the progress you have made.
- I am grateful for money, because money has allowed me and/or contributed positively to… (fill in the blank).

Journaling prompts for a new money mindset
You know your current mindset about money, the ideal financial future you want to create, the importance of gratitude, and now… It’s time to work on your new and ultimate money mindset.
Building a new money mindset is a challenging task. It takes time and effort. The below journaling prompts are some of my favorites, and I try to incorporate them into my regular journaling practice.
You will bump into your old beliefs and experience resistance to new ways of thinking. If you grew up believing that “money is the root of all evil” and that “rich people are a**holes”, it may be challenging to now want financial freedom for yourself.
This resistance is normal, and your inner voice will want to kick and scream a little bit. You are poking at some stubborn and deep-rooted thoughts and beliefs; they sure don’t want to go anywhere! Give yourself some time. Be consistent. Focus on what you want your life + mindset to be like.
Below, you will find 5 journaling prompts to help you build a new money mindset.
- Imagine yourself as a magnet for financial abundance. How would you act, think, and feel if you were already attracting wealth effortlessly? Write a detailed description of your mindset in this abundant state.
- Consider the value you provide to others through your work, skills, or expertise. Reflect on the positive impact you have on people’s lives and the value they receive from your contributions. Write about how embracing this mindset of service and value can help attract greater financial abundance into your life.
- What empowering beliefs about money can you adopt to create greater financial abundance in your life?
- I am committed to having an abundant financial life because… (fill in the blank).
- Imagine you have your ultimate financial life. Journal in the present tense how you feel about having achieved your financial goals.
The importance of the present moment
I wanted to take a moment and emphasize the importance of “acting as if”. Most authors, thought leaders and visionaries talk about the importance of speaking your goals into existence in the present tense.
If you focus on “I will” and “one day”, you are programming your mind and beliefs to constantly expect things to happen in the future. And as you know… the only time we can truly experience is the present, not the future. After all, when the future arrives, it’ll be the present!
Your money mindset needs to be bulletproof right now. When journaling about your dream financial life, use the present tense. “I am so happy that I have financial freedom” instead of “I can’t wait to have financial freedom”.
Additionally, when you reflect on the beliefs and thoughts you want to have about money, speak them (out loud or in your mind) in the present tense. “I am wealthy”, “I am a money magnet”, “I offer great value with my skills, and as a result, I earn lots of money”.
You get the gist. 😉
journal prompts for a money mindset
I hope that these journaling prompts have helped you. It’s essential that you first get a baseline of your current mindset before you work on improving it. After all, how can you know what to focus on and improve if you don’t know what you’re working with?
I hope these prompts help you upgrade your money mindset and allow you to create the (new) financial life you desire!
I also highly recommend reading the book “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace D. Wattles. It is the perfect companion as you work on your new money mindset!
Lastly, if you enjoy journaling, you might enjoy my e-book, “100 journaling prompts to deepen your relationship with yourself.”