I know money – for many of us – is a touchy subject. Whether it’s you not having enough money, or you judging those that have a lot of money, we have to deal with money practically every single day.
You deserve to have a healthy and loving relationship with money. Therefore, using money journaling prompts can give you an insight into what you currently believe about money + give you clarity on what you’d like to change.
We live in a physical reality, and money is something that lets us move about this world. Most of the time, it’s not the actual number in the bank account that is stopping us, but our thoughts and beliefs around money.
Transform your relationship with money
If you want to transform your bank account, you first have to change the way you think and feel about money.
“To me, true prosperity begins with feeling good about yourself. It is never an amount of money; it is a state of mind. Prosperity or lack of it is an outer expression of the ideas in your head.”
Louise Hay
Our financial reality is never just about how much money we have in the bank. It’s about so much more!
Every single one of us carries some kind of beliefs related to money and financial success — more often than not, they are negative and limiting rather than positive and empowering.
“Money doesn’t grow on trees“
”Money is evil”
”I will never get a good job”
”My parents were poor, and I will be poor”
”I don’t deserve money”
”I resent others who have money”
”I never have enough money”
”I could never afford that”
I think that’s enough examples. It breaks my heart when I hear what dis-empowering and limiting beliefs people carry surrounding money!
We often feel defeated
Money is such a big (and important) part of our world, yet most of us feel very dissatisfied and defeated when it comes to this subject.
Sure, you can go live in the middle of nowhere, build your own hut, hunt your food, make your clothes, and (maybe) live happily ever after.
However, that’s often not a solution. If we genuinely want to thrive in this world, have complete freedom, and do what our heart desires on our terms — we need money.
Before we can start attracting money into our lives and changing our financial reality, we have to get rid of our limiting beliefs.
Our limiting beliefs are ingrained into our subconscious so strongly that a single affirmation of ‘I’m rich’ said 50 times will not bring about wealth.
“A belief is just a thought that you keep thinking.”
Abraham Hicks
When you think the same thought enough times (and usually you keep thinking the same limiting thoughts for YEARS) it becomes a belief.
What do you tell yourself about money?
Tell yourself “I’m stupid” enough times and you’ll start to believe it. Tell yourself “I’m always broke” enough times and you’ll get stuck in your broke-ness.
You can’t attract, manifest, realise, bring about, and receive that which you subconsciously reject. You cannot hate money and attract it. You cannot judge people who have a lot of money and at the same time want that for yourself.
Moreover, if you have a subconscious belief of ‘I don’t deserve money’, you will always get in your own way when it comes to money. Whether consciously or unconsciously, you will reject/avoid/not see opportunities that could bring about more money.
I want you to have financial freedom and attract the wealth that you deserve. To change our limiting beliefs, we first have to know what our limiting beliefs are!
Get a pen and some paper (make sure you have some free, undisturbed time to do this!) and let’s get to work.

money JOURNALING PROMPTS can help you
I want to share 10 powerful journaling prompts that can give you a really good insight into your current relationship with money.
I advise that you answer all of these prompts, but if there are a few particular ones that really stand out or bring about strong emotions/triggers/curiosity — start with them. Keep free writing until there is nothing left to write. Don’t think about it — just write.
Don’t analyze, stop to think or read what you have written (yet.) Moreover — do not judge yourself. This exercise is meant to help you heal your negative beliefs, so adding the thought of ‘I’m so stupid because I have these negative beliefs’ to the list is not helping!
Take as much time as your need, and be open to anything that might show up and reveal itself.
- Early memories: My parents believed that money is… [fill in the blank]
- Emotional connection: Money makes me feel… [fill in the blank], because… [fill in the blank]
- Influences: Reflect & write about who has influenced your views and beliefs about money the most
- Reactions from others: If I were to get really wealthy, my friends and family would… [fill in the blank]
- Fears: My biggest financial fear is… [fill in the blank]. I believe it comes from… [fill in the blank]
- Money and happiness: If I had more money, I would feel… [fill in the blank]
- Financial dreams: Write about what financial freedom means to you and what you would do if you had a lot of money & felt financially successful and secure
- Future: In the next 5 years, I want my financial life to look… [fill in the blank]
- Giving: The world would be a better place if I had financial abundance because… [fill in the blank; think about the individuals, causes, and communities that would benefit from you living your best financial life]
- Next steps: The steps that I need to take in order to get closer to my ideal relationship with money & financial freedom are… [fill in the blank]
When you’re done journaling, take some time to go back and read everything that you’re written.
What can you see? Are there any patterns? Do your money beliefs come from what your parents believed? Does the topic of money bring about more anxiety than joy? Do you know what you would do with lots of money if you had it?
The most important thing is — do not judge yourself. Your beliefs have gotten you where you are right now. However, now you have the ability to change your beliefs so that you can transform your financial reality and your life.
Try to also not be vague. When it comes to your future financial life, try to abstain from using terms such as “I would do anything that I want and I would be free.” Go into as much detail as possible – what specifically do you want to do, what does freedom look like?
If you enjoy journaling, consider checking out my video-class “Journaling for Self-Reflection”. You might also find this article about manifestation interesting.